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Entries: 9

9th February 2023:

The link to tonight's quiz: https://ueanorwich-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/uzk21kqu_uea_ac_uk/EdmxZrGZEHVFo1b3RRaEi6EBGoXlilsRmc_r1zpijVG5VQ?e=nfLdzg

Only putting these up here so I don't have to sign into my account to access the slides while someone's already logged in.

7th December 2022:

Hopefully doing a quiz tonight; here's the link: https://ueanorwich-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/uzk21kqu_uea_ac_uk/EbRo4-1xUHhAtqAtSYk4S8IBmmDcjWRswTdL0eAmaMOh3g?e=dIYXHg

16th October 2021:

We've had someone in our flat who's been quite physically active, and he made us aware of the Norwich park run which happens every Saturday morning (at Eaton Park, Norwich). A lot of us in the flat were quite hesitant — myself included — but I was still fairly curious about it, and I wanted to give it a go.

Last week, I knew I would be seeing my family on the Saturday morning, so I didn't commit myself to doing it on that day. This week, I had indeed committed myself to do the run — then I forgot about it until I was reminded by my flatmates last night.

This morning, I got up earlier than usual and got ready for 8:30. We had to wait a few minutes until we were all ready (the four of us that were going) but we got to the park in plenty of time. At 9, we set off, and did three and a half laps of Eaton Park, which was 5K in total. Running, as well as any kind of serious physical activity, was something I hadn't properly done for at least a couple of years. While it was definitely challenging to do this, it really felt amazing, and it was a great experience. I think I came in 196th place, out of over 300 who were there, with a time of around 26-27 minutes. It's something I'm strongly considering doing again — that and/or UEA gym membership.

After the run, a few of my muscles were tight, particularly my calves, so I walked back to the university fairly slowly. Then I realized it would be nice to reward myself with a cooked breakfast, so I walked down to the campus restaurant, got a breakfast-to-go, and ate it back in our flat kitchen. One of my flatmates saw what I was doing, and he went off to do the exact same. Generally, life here at Uni is going pretty well. All I can say is that the people are great, and that what we're studying is very interesting to learn about.

12th October 2021:

It's been a fair while since I last posted something on this blog — I've been quite busy, for understandable reasons — so I thought it was about time I got back here and wrote something. Obviously I haven't been away from the website, but I haven't been able to express anything in a personal capacity since the last time I posted on the blog.

University started just over three weeks ago, and it's been great. Everyone in my flat is so nice, and usually approachable. Philosophy and Politics has been challenging in a couple places, but so far it's quite interesting, and I feel I can grasp enough of the subject matter within the three modules. I'll have to do some more reading on things, also to continue adapting to the new University lifestyle.

Before I left Cambridge, I was able to get some video of it (on camcorder, of course) featuring the city centre, other parts of the city, and then a bit of Kings' Hedges. I can't turn it into a digital movie, because I don't have the computer here with me. However, I do have my camcorder, and I'll be sure to get some videos of UEA and Norwich.

11th September 2021:

Hi, it's been a little while and I wanted to give a few updates to you all. A fair amount of stuff has been happening over the last couple of weeks.

My last shift was on the 5th. Apart from the bus not turning up on time and thus making me late for my last shift, everything turned out fine. The people at work were as understanding as always, and we had a really nice goodbye. I've completed what I need to do to register at UEA (I think), and I uploaded my campus card photo earlier. A couple days ago, I checked one of the boxes for my Windows Movie Maker projects. I turned the camcorder footage from the Hills Road party in the park into a short movie, and this is now avaliable to see on my Instagram. I'm still hoping to make at least one more movie before Uni, but we'll see what happens, I suppose.

I'm planning to add another page to the website soon. Not saying anything else about it for the time being.

Bye for now.

31st August 2021:

Hello again. The reason for why my website hasn't recently been updated is because of work. The last couple weeks have been busier, but I'll be able to develop the website some more soon.

Thanks :)

17th August 2021:

Hello all, just wanted to let you know that I've recently made a few changes to the website.
There's a new webpage, called Live Information, where you can see important updates about different topics. Hopefully you'll find it useful.
I'm also making various smaller edits to the website as a whole, to improve it continuously.

I'm very excited about University. That's with regards to both the UEA itself, and the adventure of living in Norwich. I've been looking at videos taken of the city, and it looks beautiful, as well as being bigger than Cambridge which is definitely a plus. If anyone's got any University advice, feel free to let me know!

7th August 2021:

I just wanted to write a little bit about my new job. For security reasons, I won't say where it is, but I've had five shifts so far as a sales assistant and so far I'm really enjoying it. The people there are all lovely, and they've made me feel so welcome in the workplace. Being a sales assistant is really cool I get to do a variety of tasks, and at the tills I get to make conversation with customers, which is usually nice for a quick conversation. I'm very lucky to have this temporary job, before hopefully going to University.

Also, I've been glad to see we've been doing well in the Olympics! We're currently 5th, not too bad at all, and we've had some really great moments this year. Shame that Tokyo 2020 is nearly over, but I bet we can do even better in Paris, three years from now.

23rd July 2021:

Hi all! This is the first entry of my blog so I'll just find some stuff to talk about here.

I'm back in Snowdonia, Wales with my family. We just got here today and things are going great so far. I haven't really done a whole lot during the day, other than sitting still in a car for six hours. I wrote the '2020 Election' article on the way here, and then I made some edits later before posting it up.

This evening I've been doing some more general website work too, it's just a nice little project to keep myself entertained. It's so cool to have this as a simple HTML website, as it's genuinely the way things were when making websites 20-30 years ago.

I'll be sure to continue watching the Olympics, hopefully we'll do well.

Bye for now!